Frequently Asked Questions.

Yes. Our minimum delivery/recovery charge is automatically set at NGN500 upon pickup request. This allows us to guarantee quality services and also ensure that riders are fairly compensated.

Fees are calculated per distance and per time by the app. You can choose to either pay by cash, card, phone credit top-up, digital currencies in the app.

Yes, you can.

Yes, we do. For every item we help deliver or recover, an in-app receipt is generated.

It takes between 30 seconds - 15 minutes to find an available rider using the Kwikpik app.

Go to the request page on the Kwikpik app and choose the cancel option. Cancel both the pick-up and drop-off tasks. Please note that you can only cancel a request that has not been assigned or accepted by a rider.

At the moment, this is not possible. If your delivery/recovery involves multiple drop-off locations, the estimate comes up after filling in all the details needed. The payment must be made either in-app using a bank card or other digital payment options, at the pick-up point or at the delivery point.

First, download the Kwikpik app, sign up as a new user, and get verified. If you already have an account, choose the login option. When you’re fully onboarded on the app, fill in your pickup and dropoff locations, an estimate for the trip will show up. Then you can confirm your order. You’ll get email prompts letting you know every phase of the order such as when you’re assigned a delivery man and when he’s arrived at your location.

Go to your play store/iOS store and download the Kwikpik. Register using your phone number and email address to verify your account to complete the account creation.

Payments are made per weight. Orders above 1.5kg will accrue more money.

You can order a Kwikpik rider everyday, 24/7.

If it is a case of multi-point deliveries/recoveries a rider can handle multipoint requests as long as it does not exceed the weight limit. You can as well request multiple riders at the same time to handle all your multiple-point deliveries.

Yes. From the homepage of the app, fill in the details of the request, the date and time of the day you intend for the trip to happen. After these, the app will ask if you’re willing to book, please confirm.

Go to your play store/iOS store and download the Kwikpik. Register using your phone number and email address to verify your account to complete the account creation.

Common Issues

We ask that users make sure to input their accurate address when making a pick up request so that riders will not be sent to a wrong location.

When a delivery/recovery is made to the wrong address, it is considered a miss delivery or miss recovery. When this is discovered, the following procedure is used to retrieve the delivery or item:

  1. Contact Customer Service to open a case for retrieval at the wrong address.
  2. The rider will go back to pick up the item
  3. The rider will reattempt the redelivery the same day if possible. If they‘re not able to deliver the package the same day, they will try again the next day.

Riders complete KYC and are constantly tracked by Kwikpik through GPS and special trackers installed on their vehicles and motorbikes.

Since Kwikpik is currently focused on recovery and delivery services for our users, we strive to make sure that riders recover or deliver only to locations specified by the user. In the case of return as a result of the user‘s wrong address input, or any other reason not caused by the Kwikpikteam, the user will need to pay another delivery or recovery fee. If the error of recovery/delivery was caused by us, the user is advised to open a ticket via the instructions below.

  1. Send the picture of the complaint to Track return
  2. The refund takes 3-4 working days.

Still have questions? Contact us via our support center or email us

Your desires, your schedule, our pleasure! Get started quickly with these 3 easy steps...

  1. Download the Kwikpik app.
  2. Sign up or Login.
  3. Choose your preferred service.
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